Move Out Cleaning Tips of the Pros

Move Out Cleaning Tips of the Pros

When you’re doing a move-out clean, most of the time it’s to get a security deposit back or to prepare your home for sale. When going about a move out clean, your goal is to clean as quickly and efficiently as possible while still being thorough enough to get your deposit back

1. Prep and clean things you’ll be taking with you as you pack them up. This way they’ll already be clean when you unpack them in your new home.

2. Don’t start your move out clean until all of your belongings have been packed and moved out of the home. A move out cleaning is much easier to accomplish with a totally vacant house or apartment.

3. Clean down one room at a time and then close it off. You can also move through one task at a time but this has the potential to feel overwhelming and as if things aren’t getting done quickly enough so most pros go at it one room at a time.

4. Clean from top to bottom and from back to front. This moves dirt and grime from the farthest and hardest to reach places downward and toward the door or exit of the house or apartment.

5. Complete “dry” cleaning tasks before “wet” cleaning tasks. For example, you want to dust, sweep and vacuum before you start mopping or using wet cleaners that will clump up dry dirt and gunk up your broom or other cleaning equipment.

6. Clean up the walls. Even if you aren’t going to paint, it’s important to remove hooks, nails and screws from the walls and to also clean away smudges and dirty spots. Use a cleaner that is safe for paint or an eraser sponge to make quick work of smudges and grime on the walls.

7. Use bleach to kill mold but not for general cleaning. Bleach fumes can be toxic so it’s important to only use bleach where and when you need it most. Bleach-based cleaners are great at killing and removing mold so save them for that task to avoid causing breathing issues from bleach fumes.

8. Don’t forget to clean the exterior, if applicable. The exterior of the house should be power washed and leaves/debris raked up and disposed of. Also power wash decks and driveways if they are dirty and in need of a good clean. This is more applicable to houses than to most apartments or condos.

When going about a move out clean, your goal is to clean as quickly and efficiently as possible while still being thorough enough to get your deposit back or ready your home for selling. If you need back-up for your move out clean or you’re just too tired from moving to do it, call the Clean Up Club! We’ll take care of your move out clean and help you get as much of your deposit back as possible.

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